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Fingerlose Kaschmir-Handschuhe

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Ursprünglicher Preis: £68 Jetzt: £57.80 Speichern 15%
inkl. MwSt.

GRÖßE: One Size (Nur 1 Artikel auf Lager)


FARBE: Dunkles Marineblau


• 100% Kaschmir

• Einheitsgröße

• Made in Britain

• Erhältlich in sechs Farben

Diese luxuriösen Handschuhe aus reinem Kaschmir werden in einer 200 Jahre alten, familiengeführten Manufaktur in Schottland gestrickt.

Sie bieten atmungsaktiven Schutz vor beißendem Wind und sind am Handgelenk gerippt, so dass sie eng anliegen. Dank der fingerlosen Konstruktion kann das Smartphone trotz Handschuhen weiter bedient werden.

In Kombination mit der passenden Baskenmütze und Stola sind diese Handschuhe an eisigen Tagen ein treuer Begleiter. Federleichtes Kaschmir ist bei weniger lauschigen Temperaturen immer eine gute Wahl. 

Aus 100% Kaschmir - Kaschmir ist zweifellos eine der teuersten und luxuriösesten Fasern, die es gibt. Es wird aus sorgfältig gekämmtem Vlies hergestellt, dessen Fasern sechsmal feiner sind als menschliches Haar. Kaschmir besitzt eine Festigkeit und Widerstandsfähigkeit, die über seine Leichtigkeit und Geschmeidigkeit hinwegtäuschen, und ist daher besonders beliebt. Mit der richtigen Pflege wird sich Ihre Investition in Kaschmir sehr lange auszahlen. 

Produktcode: 7491


Well known to be a classic choice for wardrobe staples, cashmere is made from carefully combed fleece; these strong and resilient fibres create a luxuriously lightweight finish. 

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1-10 von 11 Bewertungen
     Gillian Forbes • 1528 days ago

Got these for Christmas & will be brought into use due to home working in the cold! Being fingerless will be ideal for using while using the computer keyboard as cozy and warm and a good fit.

     Louise Oliver • 1584 days ago

I have these in grey and in red. They are so soft and comfortable and very warm. They were a gift for myself, but would make a perfect luxury Christmas gift for a special person!

     Happycat • 1588 days ago

Working from home in winter brings its own challenges - such as cold hands. First choice of sheepskin mittens obviously no good for keyboard access, so bought these cashmere fingerless gloves which will be perfect when I release them from their 7-day quarantine in the freezer.

     Elizabeth Cropper • 1592 days ago

My cashmere fingerless gloves are so cosy and warm and fit perfectly. I have arthritis in my hands and my gloves make a big difference to how I feel.

     Anne Crozier • 1980 days ago

I am delighted to have found this type of "fingerless" gloves - they are ideal.

     Anne Crozier • 1980 days ago

I have searched for this type of "fingerless" gloves for years & am very glad to have found these

     Stanley Skelton • 2230 days ago

These Sheepskin fingerless gloves are well designed and well made from first class materials. They are very practical, allowing you to get things such as keys, handkerchief , etc from your pocket without removing your gloves. Expensive perhaps but the price reflects the quality.

     Caroline bunney • 2236 days ago

Perfect: The cashmere is amazing: super warm and soft: no pilling - very well made. You can pay for a coffee, walk the dog, txt a friend, untangle your keys... practical and a little bit glamorous

     Sheila Richards • 2246 days ago

Quite sad today. My cashmere fingerless gloves have sprung a hole! However I have had them for at least three years and wear them everywhere, every day through the Winter months. They've had to contend with walking my dogs for hours, driving, machine washing etc so I can only say they've been outstanding to last this long! Kept their shape too.

     Marie • 2261 days ago

A really lovely pair of cashmere fingerless gloves

To find your size measure around the fullest part of your hand (excluding the thumb).

 Hand Size Glove Size
 Inches CM 
 7 18 X-Small
 7.5 19 Small
 8 20 Medium
 8.5 21.5 Large
 9-9.5 23-24 X-Large
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