Gestreifte Herrensocken Aus Merino-Baumwolle

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Diese vielseitigen Socken sind aus einem Merinowolle-Baumwolle-Mix gefertigt, der sich leichter anfühlt als 100 % Wolle und für natürliche Wärme, Komfort und Atmungsaktivität sorgt. Das durchgehende Streifenmuster wird durch Farbblöcke an der Ferse, der Zehe und am Bund kontrastiert.

  • 80 % extrafeine Merinowolle, 20 % Baumwolle 
  • Gerippter Bund 
  • In Großbritannien hergestellt
  • Produktcode: 7995


    Made with a Merino Cotton blend: A blend of superfine merino wool and combed cotton which results in yarn that is incredibly soft and gives you a seemingly voluminous looking garment without the weight. Combed cotton varies from regular cotton when it undergoes an extra manufacturing step in the spinning process that results in a stronger, more luxurious end garment.

    Fully traceable guaranteed non-mulesed Merino wool.

    Größe & Passform

    • Ferse Bis Bund: 28 Cm


    Can be hand washed in cold water using Celtic Wool Wash, or machine washed at a gentle 30 degree spin. For more detailed instructions please see care label.

    When washing by hand, avoid twisting or wringing as this may damage the wool. Do not use fabric conditioner when washing.

    To remove excess water from the garment we recommend wrapping it in a towel and gently squeezing it before leaving the item to dry. Do not put on a spin cycle.

    Lay the product out flat to dry, do not hang your wool garments. Allow to dry naturally away from all artificial heat sources.

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    Men's Sock Sizes

    Sock SizeShoe Size
    MediumUK 7 ½ - 9
    LargeUK 9 ½ - 10 ½
    X-LargeUK 11 - 12